The beautiful Chios Island has many beautiful towns. The most populated towns are few and some of the other towns have less than 100 inhabitants. Regardless to this information here are the most beautiful towns in Chios.
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Beautiful Town of Chios, the capital of Chios Island is almost in the centre of the eastern coast, facing the Strait of Chios that seprates the island from Turkey.
It is 22.8 square kilometres and there are 23,779 people living in the capital out of 53,817 people in the entire Chios prefecture or the Chios Municipality, which covers 904 square kilometres of the island. See Municipalities of Chios here.
It is the main port of the island that connects it with other ports in the neighbourhood and along the way to Greece. It has an airport that lies 3 kilometres south of the town and it takes about 8 minutes drive. Read more about the beautiful Chios Town here.
Beautiful Town of Vrontados, the seat of the Municipality of Omiroupolis is at the eastern coast, about 5 kilometres north of Chios Town and it takes about 12 minutes drive. It is near the end point of the long beach that streches north of Chios Town.
Local people claim that Homer was born and grown there and they aim to the famous stone in the suburb known as Daskalopetra, the stone chair of Homer to confess others thier claim is right.
Vrontados is a large town with about 4,500 inhabitants. It is not a place for people who search for quiet places to visit during annual festivals and rocket wars events.
Beautiful Town of Volissos, the seat of the Municipality of Amani in the nortehrn region, near the western coast is about 39.3 kilometres northwest of Chios Town and it takes about 57 minutes. It has very few inhabitats as the numbers of popultions declined from 1,087 in 1951 to 417 in 2001.
Beautiful Town of Kardamyla, the seat of the Municipality of Kardamyla is about 25.3 kilometres at the northeast of Chios Town and it takes about 39 minutes. The town is the third populated town in the island. It was partially destroyed during the war in 1822 and rebuit on the hillside. There are many traditional houses in Kardamila Town. See Traditional Greek Houses.
Beautiful Town of Pyrgi, the seat of the Municipality of Mastichochoria at the southwest is 25 kilometres from Chios Town and it takes 35 minutes drive. It is a fortified largest town in the municipality and it has narrow streets and beautiful well designed facades on the buildings.
Beautiful Town of Thymiana, the seat of the Municipality of Agios Minas is about 7.2 kilometres near the eastern coast south of Chios Town and it takes about 16 minutes drive. Chios Airport is almost half the distance between the two towns. Here are some beautiful beaches nearby at the eastern coast. See Beautiful Beaches in Chios.
Beautiful Town of Chalkeio or Halkeios, the seat of the Municipality of Kampohoron or Kampochora or Kampochoroi at the centre of the island is about 6.2 kilometres at the southwest of Chios Town and it takes about 14 minutes drive. There are some 867 inhabitants in Chalkeio.
Beautiful Town of Kallimasia, the seat of the Municipality of of Ionia at the southeastern part is about 10.2 kilometres from Chios Town and it takes 20 minutes drive. It has some 930 inhabitants.
Beautiful Town of Oinousses, the seat of the Municipality of Oinousses in the Island of Oinousses is 19.6 kilometres at the northeast of Chios Town and it takes almost two hours sailing. It has 999 inhabitants in the capital of Oinousses.
Beautiful Town of Psara, the seat of the Municipality of Psara, in the Island of Psara is about 83.1 kilometres at the northwest of Chios Town and it takes about 2 hours sailing. It is the only town in the island and it has smal port that connects it with other ports in Greece.
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